Shopkins Real Littles Sneakers (Bundle of 3 Mystery Packs)
Real Littles are back with the things you love - made micro! This time it's Sneakers! Real Littles Sneakers are the most fabulous range of mini footwear on the planet!
So tiny and so cute, there are so many types of fashions and styles to find! From Platform, Slip-on, Basketball, High Top, and more! In fact, there are 25 different Sneakers to find and collect in Season 1.
- Each pair of Sneakers come in its own cute realistic miniature sneaker Box.
- Open it up and be surprised by the super cool designs you will find inside.
- There are Common, Rare and Ultra Rare Sneakers to collect including Ultra Rare Color Change Sneakers!
- Dip them in cold water and be amazed as they change before your eyes during their *Water Rinse Reveal*
Maybe you will unbox the Limited Edition Light-Up Sneakers! Watch their soles sparkle as they actually light up!